Serving pro-family legislators and leaders as they enact policies to strengthen American families

Conference: November 14-17, 2024

David Grothe

Executive Pastor for Marriage and Family; New Life Church

New Life Church, Colorado Springs, CO

David Grothe

Dave Grothe serves as Executive Pastor for Marriage & Family Min-istries at New Life Church, Colorado Springs, and will provide inspira- tional and patriotic music during the conference and will also lead the Sunday morning devotional service.

Dave has served as pastor, conference worship leader, clinician, and teacher for numerous groups and churches throughout the United States. Overseas, he has led music mission teams in the Czech Republic, Russia, Scotland, and Ukraine.

Building on over thirty-nine years of music leadership, pastoral service,and experience as a studio producer and musician, Dave has sung, played,

and led worship for numerous recordings, including Integrity’s Hosanna! Music, “Arise and Sing” and “Songs 4 Worship”, and has contributed articles and teachings regarding music ministry for a variety of Christian periodicals. His “Freedom’s Prayer” patriotic music collection has been widely distributed.

For Dave and his wife, Becky, time together and time with their children has been a top priority. Mar- riage and family have always been at the heart of their lives and ministry. During their 40 years of mar- riage, the Grothes have worked hard to make their home a dwelling place for God.

Dave and Becky have four children and twelve wonderful grandchildren and make their home in Colorado Springs, Colorado.